Monday, March 3, 2008


Why do I dislike my best friends husbands? I have 2 best friends, one from high school and one from college. In my opinion they both married losers. Oh, they're not beat your wife type losers and you probably wouldn't know it just from meeting them. But when I see the lives that my friends have? Wow. One has an invalid for a husband (which isn't entirely his fault granted) that takes that as an excuse to do NOTHING with his life. He is lazy to the extreme and thinks it's okay while my friend works her tail off taking care of both of them. I can't see her ever having a normal family with kids.
The other has 3 kids and her husband is never home. He's "working", but he makes such poor business decisions that they are forever in debt and for awhile he even wanted her to go back to work to help support them. He said she could work nights since child care is so expensive? Hello, that is the most obnoxious thing I've ever heard. He would put her in an early grave since, um, when would she sleep? And it's not like he would ever lift a finger to help around the house.
I know this is a totally un-Christian way to feel, but both of these guys claim to be Christians. I think that's what almost pisses me off the most. And neither of them will take any outside advice. They think their lives are just fine the way they are.
Guess I shouldn't complain so much about my hubby, huh? At least I can stay home without having to worry about working. Yeah, we're on a tight budget, but the ONLY debt we have is student loans. And he does help around the house and he is home and plays with his son. Time for me to start looking on the bright side at my family.

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