Thursday, October 9, 2008

Figuring Things Out

So here I am. Back to my feeling crappy self. I'm pissed at my son, pissed at my husband, pissed at myself. Pissed at the world basically.

I started to get this crazy thought that I'd been here before. Gee, I wonder why?

Then I wondered, hmm, does this have anything to do with say, that time of the month?

Check the calendar. and the dates on that last "crazy" post.

Ding, ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.

No idea why, but at least I feel better (slightly) knowing that I have some proof or reason as to why I feel the way I do.

But normal PMS (or whatever this is since I'm not on my period at the moment) shouldn't make you feel like shutting down should it? Shouldn't make you lash out at anyone and everyone. Shouldn't make you want to crawl into a hole and sleep for a month (or just die?).

I had some crazy hormonal issues in grad school due to stress. Let's just say perma periods are not fun.

I guess my body reacts to things oddly. Wonder what kind of crazy drugs I can get for this...


Brillig said...

Look into it! Oh, sure, I go a little nuts when I'm PMSing, but not at all like you describe! But wow, if it's really that simple, surely there are some herbs/meds that could help! Because even if it's just one week out of every month, that's STILL too long to feel crappy like this, don't you think?

Piper of Love said...

I think I only have one 'normal' week a month, maybe. The other weeks are PMS, then nasty period, then recovering from nasty period and postPMS.

I hate the never ending emotional rollercoaster, it's really not fair.

Thanks Eve!

Hang in there. xo