Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cosmic Timing

I was scheduled to have Lasik surgery this coming Friday. We (I) decided after 9 months of trying to get pregnant that a 4 month hiatus so I could get my eyes fixed wouldn't be the end of the world. Besides, if I were to get pregnant it would be over 2 years before I could consider it again. Everything was all set up and I had my pre-screening this Wednesday. They dilated my eyes and I lost the whole day that I thought to get projects done since my parents had my son.

This morning, I found out I am pregnant. I've been late with my period before, but I thought there was NO WAY I could be pregnant this month. Apparently this is God's way of telling me that he doesn't want me to have Lasik right now. I admit I've been pretty freaked out about it, mainly because I was worried it would be worse if something went wrong. This is the only way it could be canceled for sure. I guess this is my answer.

Now I'm not sure what to think. I'm totally conflicted because on the one hand I really really wanted another baby. On the other hand my head has had so much tension from my glasses that I feel like I'm cranky all the time and I didn't want to deal with that for another 2 years. But the decision has been taken out of my hands.

Please God don't let this be a joke like last time.

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